15 research outputs found

    Biodiversity surveys of grassland and coastal habitats in 2021 as a documentation of pre-war status in southern Ukraine

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    Background This paper presents two sampling-event datasets with occurrences of vascular plants, bryophytes and lichens collected in May-June 2021 in southern Ukraine. We aimed to collect high-quality biodiversity data in an understudied region and contribute it to international databases and networks. The study was carried out during the 15th Eurasian Dry Grassland Group (EDGG) Field Workshop in southern Ukraine and the Dark Diversity Network (DarkDivNet) sampling in the Kamianska Sich National Nature Park. By chance, these datasets were collected shortly before the major escalation of the Russian invasion in Ukraine. Surveyed areas in Kherson and Mykolaiv Regions, including established monitoring plots, were severely affected by military actions in 2022. Therefore, collected data are of significant value in the context of biodiversity documentation. The knowledge about the biodiversity of this area will help to assess the environmental impact of the war and plan restoration of the damaged or destroyed habitats. The first preliminary analysis of collected data demonstrates the biodiversity richness and conservation value of studied grassland habitats. New information We provide sampling-event datasets with 7467 occurrences, which represent 708 taxa (vascular plants, bryophytes and lichens) collected in 275 vegetation relevés. Amongst them, vascular plants are represented by 6665 occurrences (610 taxa), lichens - 420 (46) and bryophytes - 381 (51). Several new species were reported for the first time at the national or regional level. In particular, one vascular plant species (Torilis pseudonodosa) and two lichen species (Cladonia conista, Endocarpon loscosii) were new to Ukraine. One vascular plant (Stipa tirsa), two species of bryophytes (Rhynchostegium megapolitanum, Ptychostomum torquescens) and three species of lichens (Cladonia cervicornis, C. symphycarpa, Involucropyrenium breussi) were recorded for the first time for the Kherson Region. Additionally, these datasets contain occurrences of taxa with narrow distribution, specialists of rare habitat types and, therefore, represented by a low number of occurrences in relevant biodiversity databases and particularly in GBIF. This publication highlights the diversity of natural vegetation and its flora in southern Ukraine and raises conservation concerns

    ‘Good fences make good neighbours’: Concepts and records of range dynamics in ground squirrels and geographical barriers in the Pleistocene of the Circum-Black Sea area

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    Ground squirrels were an important member of the Pleistocene steppe-tundra mammal community. They evolved ecological specialisations and exhibit behaviours that make them particularly informative subjects to study palaeoenvironmental constraints affecting species distribution and speciation. Interspecific competition and isolating geographical barriers are considered as the principal factors that define species range boundaries. The present paper provides a first comprehensive compilation of the living and extinct Spermophilus species in Europe. These data suggest ‘patchwork quilt’ model for the expansion and spatial distribution of ground squirrel species. Here we consider mainly small-sized Spermophilus species because large-sized (e.g., S. superciliosus) ground squirrels consist another ‘patchwork quilt’, which overlap the first one. This overlapping of the species ranges is possible because of the size difference that lowers interspecific competition (Hutchinson's rule). We consider two main types of range boundaries. One type includes roughly ‘sub-parallel’ boundaries that oscillate in concert with climatic and vegetational changes (a case of climatically controlled competitive exclusion). The other type consists of roughly ‘sub-meridional’ boundaries corresponding to geographical barriers (e.g., water barriers, mountain ridges); these boundaries are rather stable. Examples of ‘sub-parallel range modifications include: oscillations of boundaries between S. pygmaeus and S. suslicus; the immigration of S. citellus into the Pre-Carpathian area; the branching of S. suslicus from S. pygmaeus; the regional appearance of the Late Pleistocene species S. severskensis and S. citelloides. Examples of ‘sub-meridional events’ are: the crossing of the Danube by S. citellus; the appearance of an isolated population of S. pygmaeus on right bank of the Dnieper during the Late Pleistocene to Middle Holocene; a crossing of the Dnieper river by S. pygmaeus, which resulted in the appearance of S. odessanus; the intrusion of eastern populations of S. pygmaeus into the Trans-Volga areas. © 2018 Elsevier Ltd and INQU

    Long-term Results of Complex Minimally Invasive Treatment of Patients with Liver Cirrhosis with Variceal Bleeding

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    Проблема лечения осложнений портальной гипертензии остается одной из самых актуальных в современной хирургии, что связано как с тяжестью самой патологии, так и с неуклонным ростом заболеваемости циррозом печени вирусной этиологии, являющегося основной (до 96%) причиной развития портальной гипертензии. В хирургической практике наиболее встречаемым осложнением портальной гипертензии, вызванной циррозом печени, является кровотечение из варикозно-расширенных вен пищевода, которое характеризуется высокой летальностью и рецидивирующим течением. Такие осложнения цирроза печени, как асцит и гиперспленизм, хоть и являются менее опасными, в свою очередь негативно сказываются на качестве жизни больных и ухудшают прогноз выживаемости и лечения других заболеваний, как хирургических, так и соматических.In this article we analyzed our long-term results of different methods of prophylaxis and treatment of 280 patients with gastroesophageal variceal bleeding. We divided all patients into 3 groups due to the method of treatment and prophylaxis: endoscopic haemostasis and medical therapy, endovascular embolization of splenic and left gastric artery and our suggestion — laparoscopic devascularizative operation. All those groups were analyzed by long-term rebleeding episodes and mortality

    The desmosome and pemphigus

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    Desmosomes are patch-like intercellular adhering junctions (“maculae adherentes”), which, in concert with the related adherens junctions, provide the mechanical strength to intercellular adhesion. Therefore, it is not surprising that desmosomes are abundant in tissues subjected to significant mechanical stress such as stratified epithelia and myocardium. Desmosomal adhesion is based on the Ca2+-dependent, homo- and heterophilic transinteraction of cadherin-type adhesion molecules. Desmosomal cadherins are anchored to the intermediate filament cytoskeleton by adaptor proteins of the armadillo and plakin families. Desmosomes are dynamic structures subjected to regulation and are therefore targets of signalling pathways, which control their molecular composition and adhesive properties. Moreover, evidence is emerging that desmosomal components themselves take part in outside-in signalling under physiologic and pathologic conditions. Disturbed desmosomal adhesion contributes to the pathogenesis of a number of diseases such as pemphigus, which is caused by autoantibodies against desmosomal cadherins. Beside pemphigus, desmosome-associated diseases are caused by other mechanisms such as genetic defects or bacterial toxins. Because most of these diseases affect the skin, desmosomes are interesting not only for cell biologists who are inspired by their complex structure and molecular composition, but also for clinical physicians who are confronted with patients suffering from severe blistering skin diseases such as pemphigus. To develop disease-specific therapeutic approaches, more insights into the molecular composition and regulation of desmosomes are required

    Pemphigus autoimmunity: Hypotheses and realities

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    The goal of contemporary research in pemphigus vulgaris and pemphigus foliaceus is to achieve and maintain clinical remission without corticosteroids. Recent advances of knowledge on pemphigus autoimmunity scrutinize old dogmas, resolve controversies, and open novel perspectives for treatment. Elucidation of intimate mechanisms of keratinocyte detachment and death in pemphigus has challenged the monopathogenic explanation of disease immunopathology. Over 50 organ-specific and non-organ-specific antigens can be targeted by pemphigus autoimmunity, including desmosomal cadherins and other adhesion molecules, PERP cholinergic and other cell membrane (CM) receptors, and mitochondrial proteins. The initial insult is sustained by the autoantibodies to the cell membrane receptor antigens triggering the intracellular signaling by Src, epidermal growth factor receptor kinase, protein kinases A and C, phospholipase C, mTOR, p38 MAPK, JNK, other tyrosine kinases, and calmodulin that cause basal cell shrinkage and ripping desmosomes off the CM. Autoantibodies synergize with effectors of apoptotic and oncotic pathways, serine proteases, and inflammatory cytokines to overcome the natural resistance and activate the cell death program in keratinocytes. The process of keratinocyte shrinkage/detachment and death via apoptosis/oncosis has been termed apoptolysis to emphasize that it is triggered by the same signal effectors and mediated by the same cell death enzymes. The natural course of pemphigus has improved due to a substantial progress in developing of the steroid-sparing therapies combining the immunosuppressive and direct anti-acantholytic effects. Further elucidation of the molecular mechanisms mediating immune dysregulation and apoptolysis in pemphigus should improve our understanding of disease pathogenesis and facilitate development of steroid-free treatment of patients

    Мохообразные окрестностей промышленных предприятий г. Николаева (Украина).

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    КОМІСАР О.С., ЗАГОРОДНЮК Н.В., 2011: Мохоподібні околиць промислових підприємств міста Миколаєва (Україна). Чорноморськ.бот.ж., т. 8, №1: 87-97.В околицях чотирьох підприємств м. Миколаєва (Україна) виявлено 34 види мохоподібних. Вони ростуть переважно в деревних насадженнях різного віку та складу, а також заселяють антропосубстрати. Більшість мешкає на грунтових екотопах (23 види). Специфічними рисами даної бріофлори, порівняно з іншими локальними бріофлорами степової зони, є досить значна кількість космополіт них мохоподібних (29,4%) та мала – аридних видів (11,7%), майже рівна кількість однодомних і дводомних видів, домінування представників синантропної фракції бріофлори (геміапофітів, евентапофітів). Досліджені мохи реалізують в основному життєві стратегії ценотичних і ектопічних бріопатієнтів, а також піонерних бріоексплерентів. 34 species of mosses found in the vicinity of the four companies of Nikolaev (Ukraine). They grow mostly in the wood stands of different age and composition as well as settle on anthroposubstrates. Most of the mosses live on the soil ecotopes (23 species). Specific features of the moss flora, in comparison with other local bryophyte flora of the steppe zone, is a fairly large number of multi-zone (cosmopolitan) bryophytes (29.4%) and small one of arid species (11.4%), almost the same number of monoecious and dioecious species, the dominant representatives of the factions synanthropic mosses (gemiapofitov, eventapofitov). The investigated mosses implement the life strategies of coenotical and ecotopic briopatients and pioneer brioexplerents. В окрестностях четырех предприятий г. Николаева (Украина) обнаружено 34 вида мохообразных. Они растут преимущественно в древесных насаждениях разного возраста и состава, а также поселяются на антропосубстратах. Большинство обитает на почвенных экотопах (23 вида). Специфическими чертами данной бриофлоры, по сравнению с другими локальными бриофлорами степной зоны, является довольно большое число мультизональных (космополитных) мохообразных (29,4%) и незначительное – аридных видов (11,4%), почти одинаковое количество однодомных и двудомных видов, доминирование представителей синантропной фракции бриофлоры (гемиапофитов, эвентапофитов). Исследованные мхи реализуют в основном жизненные стратегии ценотических и экотопических бриопатиентов, а также пионерных бриоэксплерентов

    Miniinvasive treatment of patients with liver cirrhosis and variceal bleeding

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    В статье проанализирован опыт и отдаленные результаты различных методик профилактического лечения кровотечений из варикозно расширенных вен пищевода и желудка у 532 пациентов. Пациенты были разделены на три группы в соответствии с методами лечения и профилактики: эндоскопического гемостаза и консервативной терапии, рентгенэндоваскулярных операций и лапароскопических операций на пищеводе и желудке. Нами проанализированы результаты как солитарного, так и комбинированного применения этих методик.У статті ми проаналізували наш досвід та віддалені результати різних методів профілактичного лікування кровотеч з варикозно розширених вен стравоходу і шлунка у 532 пацієнтів. Ми розподілили цих пацієнтів на три групи відносно методів лікування і профілактики: ендоскопічного гемостазу і консервативної терапії, рентгенендоваскулярних операцій та лапароскопічних операцій на стравоході й шлунку. Нами проаналізовані результати як солітарного, так і комбінованого використання цих методів.In article we analyzed our long-term results of different methods of prophylaxis and treatment of 532 patients with gastroesophageal variceal bleeding. We divided all patients into 3 groups due to the method of treatment and prophylaxis: endoscopic haemostasis and medical therapy, endovascular embolization of splenic and left gastric artery and our suggestion – laparascopic devascularizative operation. The effectiveness of different methods of treatment was analyzed